mysql - PHP use variable of class in other class -
i know php new classes-stuff. - love it. here problem:
i'm writing class stuff around account-managements. (e.g. create new account, account details, check if account exists .... ) within class need mysql-requests. therefor i'm using medoo-class (
class acc{ // attributes public static $account; public $pw; protected $error; public function acc_exist() { $database = new medoo(); $acc_count = $database->count("table_accounts", ["column_account" => acc::$account]); if ($acc_count == 0) {return true;} else {$this->error .= "account exists already!";}; }};
please note line:
$database = new medoo();
$acc_count = $database->count("table_accounts", ["column_account" => acc::$account]);
here bring in medoo. , ["column_account" => acc::$account] acctually works. read in other posts, made $accounts public static.
now call class this:
$my_acc = new acc(); $my_acc->account = 'luci'; $my_acc->acc_exist();
i need work that. doing acc($account) difficult in context of rest of code.
but expected, error:
strict standards: accessing static property acc::$account non static
clear static holds var's value. need other way. got idea?
best, lox
i don't think need have $account
static, wouldn't make sense way you're going using code, try having public $account;
, use ["column_account" => $this->account]
class acc{ // attributes public $account; public $pw; protected $error; public function acc_exist() { $database = new medoo(); $acc_count = $database->count("table_accounts", ["column_account" => $this->account]); if ($acc_count == 0) {return true;} else {$this->error .= "account exists already!";}; }};
here's more information on how use static
properly: static keyword in php
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