javascript - Issue with a mouse wiggle effects -

i have written code display small panel when mouse on regions, ended terrible "wiggle" effect when insert image. how can fix that?

have @ my codepen. relevant excerpt:

$('.italia g').mouseover(function (e) {     var region_data = $(this).data('region');     $('<div class="info_panel">' +          '<img src="  ' + region_data.region_image + ' " >' +         '</div>'     ).appendto('body'); }) .mouseleave(function () {     $('.info_panel').remove(); }) .mousemove(function(e) {     var mousex = e.pagex, //x coordinates of mouse         mousey = e.pagey; //y coordinates of mouse      $('.info_panel').css({         top: mousey - 100,         left: mousex - (($('.info_panel').width()/2)+175)     }); }); 

the issue info window right below cursor when hovering area. infowindow appears, mouse triggering mouseleave event, hovering area , infowindow, above area.

check using this:

    $('.info_panel').css({         top: mousey - 100,         left: mousex - (($('.info_panel').width()/2)+175)     }); 

no wiggle effect anymore.


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