Why doesn't Ruby have a GUI? -
ruby hard when have command prompt. idea might doing wrong? none of tutorials mention opening program gui although explain code if have 1 opened.
it sounds might getting programming language (ruby) mixed ide (integrated development environment) elicpse, netbeans or visual studio graphical interfaces (guis) write programs (in java, c++, ruby etc).
because ruby interpreted language powerful command line interface repl (read–eval–print loop) i'd people best way learn ruby familiar command line , fire interpreter , start playing. using interpreter allow start basics running 2+2
, seeing result instantly.
if don't feel comfortable diving in command line perhaps try aptana studio ide. there learning curve perhaps if want start absolute basics maybe try using try ruby website. provides web based "console" try out , learn ruby basics.
finally, if want learn ruby best way, , on windows suggest downloading cygwin , running ruby interpreter there. there plenty of tutorials on how cygwin , ruby installed, wikibooks provides start.
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