How to eliminate vars in a Scala class? -
i have written following scala class based on corresponding java class: result not good. still looks java-like, replete vars, long, , not idiomatic scala in opinion.
i looking shrink piece of code, eliminate vars , @beanheader stuff.
here code:
import class replyemail { private val to: list[string] = list() private val toname: list[string] = list() private var cc: arraylist[string] = new arraylist[string]() @beanproperty var from: string = _ private var fromname: string = _ private var replyto: string = _ @beanproperty var subject: string = _ @beanproperty var text: string = _ private var contents: map[string, string] = new scala.collection.immutable.hashmap[string, string]() @beanproperty var headers: map[string, string] = new scala.collection.immutable.hashmap[string, string]() def addto(to: string): replyemail = { } def addto(tos: array[string]): replyemail = {*)) } def addto(to: string, name: string): replyemail = { this.addto(to) this.addtoname(name) } def setto(tos: array[string]): replyemail = { = new arraylist[string](arrays.aslist(tos:_*)) } def gettos(): array[string] = {[string]( } def getcontentids(): map[_,_] = this.contents def addheader(key: string, `val`: string): replyemail = { this.headers + (key -> `val`) } def getsmtpapi(): myexperimentalapi = new myexperimentalapi } }
i appreciate in accomplishing goal. updated code
i made small changes code, introducing option[string] instead of string
case class replyemail( to: list[string] = nil, tonames: list[string] = nil, cc: list[string], from: string, fromname: string, replyto: string, subject: string, text: string, contents: map[string, string] = map.empty, headers: map[string, string] = map.empty) { def withto(to: string): replyemail = copy(to = :+ to) def withto(tos: list[string]): replyemail = copy(to = ++ to) def withto(to: option[string], name: option[string]) = copy(to = :+ to, tonames = tonames :+ name) def setto(tos: list[string]): replyemail = copy() def withheader(key: string, value: string) = copy(headers = headers + (key -> value)) def smtpapi = new myexperimentalapi
now, problem face in line: error is: type mismatch: found: list[] required: list[string]
def withto(to: option[string], name: option[string]) = copy(to = :+ to, tonames = tonames :+ name)
just make case class.
case class replyemail( to: list[string] = nil, tonames: list[string] = nil, cc: list[string], from: string, fromname: string, replyto: string, subject: string, text: string, contents: map[string, string] = map.empty, headers: map[string, string] = map.empty) { def withto(to: string) = copy(to = :+ to) def withto(to: list[string] = copy(to = ++ to) def withto(to: string, name: string) = copy(to = :+ to, tonames = tonames :+ name) def withheader(key: string, value: string) = copy(headers = headers + (key -> value)) def smtpapi = new myexperimentalapi }
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