php - How to convert an uploaded STEP file to other formats? -
how can convert uploaded step file other cad formats? preferably using php.
i uploaded small step file 3dcontentcentral , instantly presented 20 different filetype formats of newly uploaded step file. example url:
hope of can point me in right direction :)
you can use api provided freecad convert step file different 3d format.
the api written python, can use pip - python in php
here example shows how convert file step obj format using python:
import os import importgui files = os.listdir("path") file in files:"path" + file) app.setactivedocument("unnamed") app.activedocument=app.getdocument("unnamed") gui.activedocument=gui.getdocument("unnamed") gui.sendmsgtoactiveview("viewfit") __objs__=[] __objs__.append(freecad.getdocument("unnamed").getobject("part__feature")) index = 1 base = 'part__feature00' while freecad.getdocument("unnamed").getobject(base + str(index)) not none: __objs__.append(freecad.getdocument("unnamed").getobject(base + str(index))) index+=1 import mesh mesh.export(__objs__,"path" + file + ".obj") del __objs__ app.closedocument("unnamed")
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