php - PDO says it updates the table, but it actually doesn't -

i'm trying use form update sql table first getting data (editrower.php) , setting values in form, using form update table (update_contactrequest.php) returns saying rower updated yet table not update.


<?php require('login.php'); ?>         <?php         include 'php/mysql_connect.php';         if(isset($_get['id'])){         $q = $db->prepare('select * rowercontacts id=:id limit 1');         $q->execute(array(':id'=>$_get['id']));         $row = $q->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc);         if($row){         echo '       <form method="post" action="php/update_contactrequest.php"><div class="col-xs-9 col-md-6 col-lg-6">         <div class="form-group">           <input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="'.$_get['id'].'">           <label for="firstname">first name</label>           <input type"text" class="form-control" name="firstname" placeholder="first name" value="'.$row['firstname'].'" />         </div>         <div class="form-group">           <label for="lastname">last name</label>           <input type="text" class="form-control" name="lastname" placeholder="last name" value="'.$row['lastname'].'" />         </div>          <br><br>         <br><br>         <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" value="update" />       </div></form>         ';       }       else{       echo 'no rower found';       }       }       else{         echo 'no rower found';       }       ?> 


<?php session_start(); if($_session['loggedin'] == true){  $rower_id= $_post['id']; $firstname = $_post['firstname']; $lastname = $_post['lastname'];   // connection database try { $bdd = new pdo('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=home','username','password'); } catch(exception $e) { exit('unable connect database.'); }  // insert records $sql = "update rowercontacts set firstname=:firstname, lastname=:lastname id=:rower_id"; $q = $bdd->prepare($sql); if($q->execute(array(':firstname'=>$firstname, ':lastname'=>$lastname, ':rower_id'=>$id))){   echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("rower updated.");location.href="../rowerlist.php";</script>'; } else{   echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("something went wrong...");location.href="../rowerlist.php";</script>'; }  } ?> 

with $q->rowcount(). prepared statements return number of affected rows.

if query error free , executes fine, need affected rows.

$q = $bdd->prepare($sql); if($q->execute(array(':firstname'=>$firstname, '...'))){   $updrows = $q->rowcount();   if($updrows==0){     echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("affected rows = 0 !!!");location.href="../rowerlist.php";</script>';   }    else{     echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("rows affected : '.$updrows.'");location.href="../rowerlist.php";</script>';   } } else{   echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("something went wrong...");location.href="../rowerlist.php";</script>'; } 

  • over 70% of update queries 0 affected rows due incorrect where rest comes attempt replace record exactly same values exist.
  • the first thing in such case, let query readable text display.
    $q->debugdumpparams(); query array.
  • where id = null not expected.

to problem i'm sure can find wrong part yourself in following 3 lines . :-)

$rower_id= $_post['id']; .... $sql = "update rowercontacts ... id=:rower_id"; if($q->execute(array(':firstname'=>$firstname,...,':rower_id'=>$id))) 


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