c++ - opencv findContours() crashes the program -

i new image processing, , i'm working on real time tracking

but stuck findcountours function.

cvtcolor(*pimg, *pimg, cv_rgba2gray); //convert gray image mask = pimg->clone();  //clone source mask.convertto(mask,cv_8uc1); //convert 8uc1 vector<vector<point> > contours; vector<vec4i> hierarchy; findcontours( mask, contours, hierarchy, cv_retr_tree, cv_chain_approx_simple, point(0, 0)  ); contours.clear();   hierarchy.clear(); 

and when run program crashes, if comment findcountours function fine.

i have checked documents there no clue happened.

mask = pimg->clone();  //clone source mask.convertto(mask,cv_8uc1); //convert 8uc1 


pimg.convertto(mask, cv_8u, arg); 

arg may different different types of input image. 255 float/double.


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