json - Trying to connect to the Dropbox API v2 using C# Receive 400 error on all attempts -

the new dropbox api documentation at:


i'm trying execute simple metadata call, having little success. here's code i'm using:

    private void go()     {         var httpwebrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("https://api.dropbox.com/2-beta/files/get_metadata");         httpwebrequest.contenttype = "text/json";         httpwebrequest.method = "post";         httpwebrequest.headers.add("authorization: bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");          using (var streamwriter = new streamwriter(httpwebrequest.getrequeststream()))         {             string json = "{\"path\": \"/avatar_501.png\"}";              streamwriter.write(json);             streamwriter.flush();             streamwriter.close();         }          var httpresponse = (httpwebresponse)httpwebrequest.getresponse();         using (var streamreader = new streamreader(httpresponse.getresponsestream()))         {             var result = streamreader.readtoend();             this.textbox1.text = result;         }     } 

any massively appreciated!

if try code, you'll see body of 400 response, tells text/json not valid content-type. converted code console app, , i'm using newtonsoft.json json serialization. otherwise, difference between code , mine addition of exception handling body of 400.

class program {     static void main(string[] args)     {         var httpwebrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("https://api.dropbox.com/2-beta/files/get_metadata");         httpwebrequest.contenttype = "text/json";         httpwebrequest.method = "post";         httpwebrequest.headers.add("authorization: bearer <redacted>");          using (var streamwriter = new streamwriter(httpwebrequest.getrequeststream()))         {             streamwriter.write(jsonconvert.serializeobject(new {                 path = "/avatar_501.png"             }));         }          httpwebresponse response;          try         {             response = (httpwebresponse)httpwebrequest.getresponse();         }         catch (webexception e)         {             response = (httpwebresponse)e.response;         }          console.writeline("status code: {0}", (int)response.statuscode);         using (var streamreader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream()))         {             console.writeline(streamreader.readtoend());         }          console.readline();     } } 

the output follows:

status code: 400 error in call api function "files/get_metadata": bad http "content-type" header: "text/json".  expecting 1 of "application/json", "application/json; charset=utf-8", "text/plain; charset=dropbox-cors-hack". 

changing content-type application/json causes call succeed.


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