c++ - How to get the Euler rotation of a rigid body between 0 to 360 in Bullet Physics? -

i trying rotation of object. using c++ , bullet physics. code:

btscalar x, y, z; body[0]->getcenterofmasstransform().getbasis().geteulerzyx(z, y, x); 

however, rotate object around clockwise number y (y vertical in bullet) axis goes 0 -90 0 90 , 0 every quarter rotation. close need go way 0 360.

bullet documentation says:

void    geteulerzyx (btscalar &yaw, btscalar &pitch, btscalar &roll, unsigned int solution_number=1) const  


solution_number solution of 2 possible solutions ( 1 or 2) possible values  

this because euler angles ambigous. have tried solution 2?


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