plot - Map of India in R with Different Values of Five Indicators for Every State of India -

i want generate map of india in r. have 5 indicators different values of every state. want plot bubbles 5 different colors, , size should represent intensity in every state. example:

state b c d e
kerala - 39, 5, 34, 29, 11
bihar - 6, 54, 13, 63, 81
assam - 55, 498, 89, 15, 48,
chandigarh - 66, 11, 44, 33, 71

i have gone through links related problem:


[2] an r package india?

but these links not serve purpose. in direction appreciated.

i have tried

library(mapproj) map(database= "world", regions  = "india", exact=t, col="grey80", fill=true, projection="gilbert", orientation= c(90,0,90))  lat <- c(23.30, 28.38)  lon <- c(80, 77.12) # lon , lat 2 cities bhopal , delhi  coord <- mapproject(lon, lat, proj="gilbert", orientation=c(90, 0, 90))  points(coord, pch=20, cex=1.2, col="red") 

in nut shell problems are: (1) not give me plot @ district level. not boundries of states. (2) how create bubbles or dots of data in plot, if have name of locations , corresponding value plot? (3) can done in in library(rgooglemaps) or library(ggplot2)? (just guess, not know these packages)

as @lawyer states, choropleth (or thematic) map more commonly used represent variables on map. require produce 1 map per variable. let me take through example:

require("rgdal")  # needed load shapefiles  # obtain india administrative shapefiles , unzip download.file("",                destfile = "") unzip("", overwrite = true)  # load shapefiles india <- readogr(dsn = "shapes/", "ind_adm1")  # check they've loaded correctly plot plot(india)  # fine. let's plot example variable using ggplot2 require("ggplot2") require("rgeos")  # fortify() spatialpolygonsdataframe types  india@data$test <- sample(65000:200000000, size = nrow(india@data),                           replace = true)  # breaks shapefile down points compatibility ggplot2 indiaf <- fortify(india, region = "id_1") indiaf <- merge(indiaf, india, by.x = "id", by.y = "id_1")  # plots polygon , fills them value of 'test' ggplot() +   geom_polygon(data = indiaf, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group,                                   fill = test)) +   coord_equal() 

finally, notice asked same question on gis se. considered bad practice , frowned upon, i've flagged question closed duplicate of this. general rule of thumb try not create duplicates.

good luck!


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