ios - How to download video from M3u8 file? -

i have following m3u8 file.

i want download video file above file. have google lot , found m3u8 parser. did't me.

i have done following things.

 nsstring *str = [nsstring stringwithcontentsoffile:[[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"1" oftype:@"m3u8"] encoding:nsutf8stringencoding error:nil];  m3u8segmentinfolist *list=   [m3u8parser m3u8segmentinfolistfromplanstring:str baseurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@""]];     nslog(@"%@",list); 

but returns nil.

can me download video.?

hotstar uses m3u8 file type. in site can watch online video can't download. found way download video site.

  1. download zip file. extract zip file , check property (361 files 33 folders). open hotstarlivestreamer.php in explorer , download again , replace it. open hotstarlivestreamer.bat. (note : if not work open admin). paste hotstat playable video url (eg.!/dance–isse-kehte-hain-dance-4679/gauhar-boosts-the-contestants-1000066630-e). select video pixel , press enter. waiting time loading time

you can download file , important notes before it.. hotstar video downloader


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