selenium - Which XPath version is supported in PhantomJS? -

i'm using selenium phantomjs. how can find out version of xpath used in phantomjs?

you can directly check whether specific functions supported or not. example, boolean() provided xpath 1.0, abs() provided xpath 2.0.

phantomjs 1.x & 2.0 supports xpath 1.0.

full script:

var page = require('webpage').create();  console.log(json.stringify(page.evaluate(function(){     var b = -1, body = -1, abs = -1;     try{         b = document.evaluate("boolean('a')", document, null, xpathresult.boolean_type, null).booleanvalue;     }catch(e){}     try{         body = !!document.evaluate("//body", document, null, xpathresult.first_ordered_node_type, null).singlenodevalue;     }catch(e){}     try{         abs = document.evaluate("abs(-10.5)", document, null, xpathresult.number_type, null).numbervalue;     }catch(e){}     return {         "boolean": b,         "body": body,         "abs(-10.5)": abs,     }; }), undefined, 4)); phantom.exit(); 


{     "abs(-10.5)": -1,     "body": true,     "boolean": true } 


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