javascript - Bxslider don't initiated with requirejs -

i have problem bxloader , requirejs.
invite module bxslider per require.js in app.
unfortunately bxloader doesn't initialize.

my view.html

<div class="slider5" > <div class="slide"><img src=""></div>  <div class="slide"><img src=""></div> </div> 


requirejs.config({     paths: {         jquery: "lib/jquery",         "jquery.bxslider":"lib/jquery.bxslider"     },     shim: {         "jquery.bxslider": {             deps: ["jquery"],             exports: "bxslider"  } 

after debugging, have found length of slider elements (length == 0): bxslider.js

$.fn.bxslider = function(options){  if(this.length == 0) return this; 

how can be?any thoughts?

define(["app",'jquery', "jquery.bxslider", "text!tpl/movingbox.html"], function(app, $,  initbxslider, movingboxtpl) {     app.module("movingbox", function( movingbox, app, $, _, bxslider) {          movingbox.onstart = function(bxslider) {             $('.slider5').bxslider({                     slidewidth: 400,                     minslides: 9,                     maxslides: 9,                     moveslides: 1,                     slidemargin: 10,                     infiniteloop:true,                     controls:true,                     pager:false                    });          } 


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