AngularJS async validation makes error messages flicker -
i using simple async validator check existance of username directive this
var app = angular.module('app'); app.directive('usernameavailablevalidator', function($http, $q) { return { require : 'ngmodel', link : function($scope, element, attrs, ngmodel) { ngmodel.$asyncvalidators.usernameavailable = function (modelvalue, viewvalue) { var value = modelvalue || viewvalue; return $http.get('/api/check-availability?username=' + value) .then(function (response) { if ( { return $q.reject(); } return true; }); }; } }; });
this works. problem error , success messages display ng-if flickers while type. don't know how solve problem. , instead of showing more code have uploaded form demonstrate flickering.
i have 1 form without async validation not flicker @ all.
and 1 form async validation makes messages flicker.
the form not flicker can found here:
here if try type in username "alexander", , blur, , backspace way nothing , write "alexander" again see messages show supposed to. not flicker. without async validation.
now if try same thing above on form async validation see mean messages flickering.
this find frustrating hit wall here , don't know how prevent it.
since angular updating model user type, many requests being made using async validator.
use ng-model-options
directive async validator input.
ng-model-options="{ updateon: 'blur' }"
this way async calls made when leave input.
the other option use debounce effect
ng-model-options="{ debounce: 1000 }"
this options tells update model after 1 second delay.
please see documentation on ng-model-options
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