javascript - I need to populate 2 select dropdowns onclicking 1 of 3 radio options -
i have searched high , low kind of similar answer no avail, little or guidance on this, please.
wordpress real estate site,search form, 3 contract types, rent, sale, short term rental, 3 radio inputs. have 2 select boxes populated min , max prices search. need able change values of min , max select box, depending on radio button selected. php average (i reloading page once radio button clicked, prefer jquery if possible) jquery/java poor, trying learn.
the $key price ranges generated following code:
$terms = get_terms( "contract_type"); foreach ($terms $term ) { $contract_types[$term->term_id] = $term->name; } foreach( $contract_types $key => $value ) { if( array_key_exists("enable-{$key}-search", $property ) ): $checked = ($key == $_get['searchby'] ) ? ' checked ':''; $title = dttheme_option("property","{$key}-title"); echo "<input type='radio' id='{$key}' {$checked} value='{$key}' name='searchby' class='regular-radio' /><label for='{$key}'>{$title}</label>"; endif; }
that populates $key with contract references, 34, 35 , 55 respectively, seen here..
the select boxes populated as:
#min price rent module if( $instance['price_module'] == 'true' ): echo '<div id="default" class="min-price-module small-module malisa-select">'; echo '<label>'.__('rent range','dt_themes').'</label>'; $min_prices = array_key_exists("min-price-for-{$key}", $property) ? $property["min-price-for-{$key}"] : array(); $min_prices = array_filter($min_prices); $min_prices = array_unique($min_prices); echo select( "dt-min-price", "minprice", $min_prices, $currency, $selected), "\n\n"; endif; #max price default module if( $instance['price_module'] == 'true' ): $max_prices = array_key_exists("max-price-for-{$key}", $property) ? $property["max-price-for-{$key}"] : array(); $max_prices = array_filter($max_prices); $max_prices = array_unique($max_prices); echo select( "dt-max-price", "maxprice", $max_prices, $currency, $selected), "\n\n"; echo '</div>'; endif; #min price sale module if( $instance['price_module'] == 'true' ): echo '<div id="default" class="min-price-module small-module malisa-select">'; echo '<label>'.__('sale range','dt_themes').'</label>'; $min_prices = array_key_exists("min-price-for-{$key}", $property) ? $property["min-price-for-{$key}"] : array(); $min_prices = array_filter($min_prices); $min_prices = array_unique($min_prices); echo select( "dt-min-price", "minprice", $min_prices, $currency, $selected), "\n\n"; endif;
this within form, hiding select box isnt possible. see trying achieve,! please point me in right direction achieve this, appreciated.
you should following things:
1) take 2 variables corresponding minimum , maximum of radio options every radio options.
e.g. var r_min,r_max,s_min,s_max,st_min,st_max;
2) on combo-box change event, save minimum , maximum values in variables corresponding radio options.
jquery('#dt-max-price').on('change',function(){ if(jquery('#34').is(':checked')){ r_min=jquery('#dt-min-price').val(); } if(jquery('#36').is(':checked')){ s_min=jquery('#dt-min-price').val(); } if(jquery('#55').is(':checked')){ st_min=jquery('#dt-min-price').val(); } }); jquery('#dt-max-price').on('change',function(){ if(jquery('#34').is(':checked')){ r_max=jquery('#dt-max-price').val(); } if(jquery('#36').is(':checked')){ s_max=jquery('#dt-max-price').val(); } if(jquery('#55').is(':checked')){ st_max=jquery('#dt-max-price').val(); }
3) when radio option selected, assign minimum , maximum variable values dropdown value.
jquery('#36').on('click',function(){ jquery('#dt-min-price').val(s_min); jquery('#dt-max-price').val(s_max); }); jquery('#34').on('click',function(){ jquery('#dt-min-price').val(r_min); jquery('#dt-max-price').val(r_max); }); jquery('#55').on('click',function(){ jquery('#dt-min-price').val(st_min); jquery('#dt-max-price').val(st_max); });
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