objective c - Deserialization of JSON-Value -
i have problems deserialization of json-value.
here code:
nsdictionary *responsedict = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata: data options:0 error: &errorjson]; nsstring *innerjson = responsedict[@"d"]; nsmutabledictionary *innerobject = [innerjson jsonvalue];
as can see in fallowing printscreen (which taken right after executing last line of code above), items in dictionary innerobject contains special characters, not there in innerjson. can me, why occurs?
edit - added descriptions of variables console
{"ret" : "1", "msg" : "", "list" : ["granatapfel¤200g¤1", "brombeeren¤300g¤1", "papaya (100 g)¤3¤0", "epf müesli 1 messlöffel¤2¤1", "grüner spargel (190 g)¤2¤1", "chicorée (130 g)¤1¤0", "mageres kalbfleisch (190 g)¤3¤0", "zander (160 g)¤6¤0", "bachsaibling (190 g)¤2¤0", "seeteufel (160 g)¤1¤0", "epf guetzli hafer/\nkartoffel-dinkel 3 stk.¤0¤0"]}
{ list = ( "granatapfel\u00a4200g\u00a41", "brombeeren\u00a4300g\u00a41", "papaya (100 g)\u00a43\u00a40", "epf m\u00fcesli 1 messl\u00f6ffel\u00a42\u00a41", "gr\u00fcner spargel (190 g)\u00a42\u00a41", "chicor\u00e9e (130 g)\u00a41\u00a40", "mageres kalbfleisch (190 g)\u00a43\u00a40", "zander (160 g)\u00a46\u00a40", "bachsaibling (190 g)\u00a42\u00a40", "seeteufel (160 g)\u00a41\u00a40", "epf guetzli hafer/\nkartoffel-dinkel 3 stk.\u00a40\u00a40" ); msg = ""; ret = 1;
i cannot see problem json value. description
method of nsstring
prints unicode characters verbatim, e.g.
on other hand, description
method of nsdictionary
, nsarray
prints non-ascii characters \unnnn
escape, e.g. \u00a4
instead of ¤
if extract string values innerobject
, e.g.
nsstring *s = innerobject["list"][0]; nslog(@"%@", s);
then see values stored correctly.
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