c# - Display TextFile to listView -

i trying display opened textfile in textboxes , listviews. every line on textfile represents value.

here have done now:

public void openfile() {     openfiledialog openfiledialog = new openfiledialog();     openfiledialog.filter = "text files (*.txt)|*.txt|all files (*.*)|*.*";     string line = "";     int index = 0;     if (openfiledialog.showdialog() == true)     using (streamreader sr = file.opentext(openfiledialog.filename))     {         while ((line = sr.readline()) != null)         {             index++;             if (index == 1)                 invoicenumbertxt.text = line;             else if (index == 2)                 invoicedatetxt.text = line;             else if (index == 3)                 duedatetxt.text = line;             else if (index == 4 || index == 5 || index == 6 || index == 7 || index == 8 || index == 9)                 personinfolst.items.add(line);             else if (index == 10)             {                 system.windows.messagebox.show(index.tostring());                 items.add(new itemproperties {                      item = line,                      <<-- //problem here. index never 11.                     description = (index == 11) ? line : ""                 });                 itemlst.itemssource = items;             }             else                 break;         }     } } 

index convenient flag (variable) insert lines in order, , not overlap multiple lines same control.

everything seems work except can't figure out how add different columns same row on listview.

normally when user adding different columns same row, user uses this:

 items.add(new itemproperties {        item= "3",        description = "strong bear",        publisher = "blizzard"  }); 

all column inside same itemproperties property included same row.

i want to achieve same thing need check index each value added. far worked can't increase index inside else if statement add multiple columns same row

assuming file is required contain @ least first 3 lines in order valid, can easier:

public void openfile() {     openfiledialog openfiledialog = new openfiledialog();     openfiledialog.filter = "text files (*.txt)|*.txt|all files (*.*)|*.*";     if (openfiledialog.showdialog() && file.exists(openfiledialog.filename))     {         // read lines file , store them in array.         var lines = file.readalllines(openfiledialog.filename);          // sanity check: there must @ least 3 lines.         if (lines.length < 3)             system.windows.messagebox.show("error: not enough lines in file: " + openfiledialog.filename);         else         {             invoicenumbertxt.text = lines[0];             invoicedatetxt.text = lines[1];             duedatetxt.text = lines[2];             foreach (var l in lines.skip(3).take(6))                 personinfolst.items.add(l);                  // assuming `itemproperties` follow, groups of 3 lines,             // consisting of `item`, `description`, `publisher`             (var = 9; + 2 < lines.length; += 3)             {                 items.add(new itemproperties {                      item = lines[i],                     description = lines[i + 1],                     publisher = lines[i + 2]                 });             }             itemlst.itemssource = items;         }     } } 


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