vb.net - Connect to MongoDB server with Driver 2.0 best practice -
i have vb.net code connects mongodb. when database , running code works fine, when database not running don't errors back.
how check server , running can connect , work? if server work else return message user server not available.
i @ documentation mongoclient class can't seem find can use.
mongoclient class (http://api.mongodb.org/csharp/2.0/html/t_mongodb_driver_mongoclient.htm)
below code works connect mongodb:
public function dbconnection(byref connstring string, vdbname string, vcolname string) mongoclient 'default port 'connstring = "mongodb://localhost:27017" 'example db , collection 'vdbname = "blog" 'vcolname = "users" 'root object dim vclient mongoclient vclient = new mongoclient(connstring) dim vdb mongodatabasebase vdb = vclient.getdatabase(vdbname) dim vcol imongocollection(of bsondocument) vcol = vdb.getcollection(of bsondocument)(vcolname) return vclient end function
below additional code use insertoneasync without creating error:
private async sub button1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button1.click if txtname.text = "" msgbox("enter name database.") else dim connstring string connstring = txtconnstr.text dim vdbname string vdbname = txtdb.text dim vcolname string vcolname = txtcoll.text 'root object dim vclient mongoclient vclient = dbconnection(connstring, vdbname, vcolname) dim vdb mongodatabasebase vdb = vclient.getdatabase(vdbname) dim vcol imongocollection(of bsondocument) vcol = vdb.getcollection(of bsondocument)(vcolname) dim vadduser bsondocument vadduser = new bsondocument vadduser.add("_id", txtid.text) vadduser.add("name ", txtname.text) vadduser.add("email", txtemail.text) vadduser.add("city", txtcity.text) rtfdatadisplay.text = "bsondocument = " & vadduser.tostring & ", #" & vadduser.count await vcol.insertoneasync(vadduser) end if end sub
below solution came with. posting try...catch since have posted entire procedures above.
try dim watch stopwatch = new stopwatch watch.start() dim insertresult task = vcol.insertoneasync(vadduser) await insertresult watch.stop() msgbox("faulted =" & insertresult.isfaulted.tostring & ", status = " & insertresult.status.tostring & ", watch = " & watch.elapsed.tostring) catch ex exception if ex.hresult.tostring = "-2146233083" msgbox("unable insert data due timeout exception") else msgbox("unable insert data = " & ", hresult = " & ex.hresult.tostring & "!" & ex.tostring) end if end try
since asynch returns task, doesn't wait until operation complete. if wait after task , capture exception , process accordingly, here sample
change await vcol.insertoneasync(vadduser)
var inserttask = vcol.insertoneasync(vadduser); inserttask.wait();
and remove async keyword button_click method signature.
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