ios - How to set the current user in cell? Swift, Parse -
day, guys. me.i can not solve problem 3 days
i make app instagram. want make sure when create post, in cell of tableview, writing nickname.
i try this:
findsweeter.findobjectsinbackgroundwithblock{ (objects:[anyobject]?, error:nserror?)->void in if error == nil{ let user:pfuser = (objects nsarray).lastobject pfuser! cell1.usernamelabel.text = user.username } } }
but thats issue: [anyobject]? not convertible 'nsarray' & 'nsarray not convertible pfuser'
help, pls. im using
i solved problem easly. changed pfuser variable in data on parse clotd string:
cell1.usernamelabel.text = sweet.objectforkey("usa") as? string
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