postgresql - postgres issues with role trying to create a new database -

being newbie postgres. i'm little confused on roles , why unable create database under role shows role has "create db" attribute.

for example there existing role name "mas" in system can create db.

postgres=> \du                                                       list of roles        role name        |                   attributes                   |                   member of ------------------------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------  mas                    | create role, create db                        +| {rds_superuser,abc_user,def_user,biuser}                         | password valid until infinity                  | 

using psql, able login database command line so:

psql -h -p 5432 -u mas postgres 

now, want create database using this: "createdb.sql'

create database mas_dev_123   owner = mas        encoding = 'utf8'        tablespace = pg_default        lc_collate = 'en_us.utf-8'        lc_ctype = 'en_us.utf-8'        connection limit = -1;  postgres=> \i createdb.sql psql:createdb.sql:11: error:  role "mas" not exist 

its clear using \du, role mas exists. so, missing or doing wrong here?


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