javascript - d3 choropleth map having problems with filling colors -

i followed mike bostock choropleth example trying make world population choropleth map i'm having trouble filling in colors correctly.

here's code , data:

really, answers or can take me right direction appreciated.

thank in advance!

maybe try different scale? china has quite lot of people, pushing of countries lower segments.

everyone starting place 4 @ lowest segment.

quantize(1330141295) // china >"q8-9"  quantize(1173108018) // india >"q7-9"  quantize(310232863) // united states >"q2-9"  quantize(242968342) // indonesia >"q1-9"  quantize(201103330) // brazil >"q1-9" 

if replace maximum scale example population of brazil you'll see there more colors used.

var quantize = d3.scale.quantize()         .domain([0,201103330])         .range(d3.range(9).map(function(i) { return "q" + + "-9"; })); 

you use the quantile scale utilize segments.


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