MySQL: Select unique field and return all other columns as well + if specific column is not 0 - return that -

i can't figure out how done. making message system, have table: enter image description here

basically trying print out threads, every distinct msgfrom new thread. thread should say:

[(sender name) (last message (order id desc)) ([if @ least 1 message has msgread=0 have unread messages])

i've tried far:

select id, msgfrom, message, date,  if(msgread='0', 'unread', 'read') msr  pmessages msgto=$userid group msgfrom 

but returns:

message from: username (this msgfrom 1) read message from: username (this msgfrom 2) unread 

even though msgfrom1 has 1 unread message, says read (i assume takes first result). in basic:

select unique msgrom order id desc if @ least 1 msgread = 0    return * + set msgread=0 (unread) 

it's bit hard explain, sorry if it's bit unclear.

you can't reliably group data attempted in first sql.

if understand correctly, want differentiate posts read , unread?

select id      , msgfrom      , message      , date      , case when msgread = 0 'unread' else 'read' msgread   pmessages  msgfrom in ( select distinct msgfrom                       pmessages                      msgto = ?                   )  order msgfrom asc      , date desc 

please make sure use placeholders in code (assuming php) rather passing variable in directly query, prevent sql injection.

let me know how on.


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