performance - Reduice time computation using parallel package in R -
i searched couldn't find similar question, apologies in advance if duplicate question. trying generate data frame within loop in r.
what want use package parallel compute function n=10^9
differents values.
so code did:
1- generate sample of data, , parameters of model :
data=data.frame(c=rnorm(10,150,12),k=rnorm(10,95,7),s=rnorm(10,125,9.5),t=rnorm(10,25,5)) round(data, digits = 0) para_h<-c(0.001,0.002,0.0000154,0.00052,-0.68)
2- function use :
fc_q<-function(x,para_h,data){ t=data$t; s=data$s; k=data$k; r=0.05/250 w=para_h[1];b=para_h[2];a=para_h[3]; c= para_h[4]; neta=para_h[5] nu=(1/(neta^2))*(((1-2*neta)^(1/2))-1) u=1i*x ; z=length(s) fc_q <- rep(na, z) (i in 1:z){ a_q=0 ; b_q=0 steps<-round(t[i]*250,0) (j in 1:steps){ a_q= a_q+ r*u + w*b_q-(1/2)*log(1-2*a*(neta^4)*b_q) b_q= b*b_q+u*nu+ (1/neta^2)*(1-sqrt((1-2*a*(neta^4)*b_q)*( 1- 2*c*b_q - 2*u*neta))) } fc_q[i]= exp(log(s[i])*u + a_q + b_q*(0.0012))*exp(-r*t[i]) } return(fc_q) }
the problem have due dimensions of computation n=10^9
takes 1 hours on computer.
this code used cumputation loops for
n=10^9 ; alpha=2 ; delta= 0.25; lambda=(2*pi)/(n*delta); r=0.05/250 res=c() (i in 1:n){ phi= ((fc_q(((delta*(i-1))-(alpha+1)*1i),para_h,data))/(alpha^2+alpha-(delta*(i-1))^2+1i*(2*alpha+1)*(delta*(i-1))))*delta*exp(1i*(delta*(i-1))*b) res=rbind(res,phi) }
this code take lot of hours, want use thing :
library(parallel) cl <- makecluster(detectcores()) result <- clusterapply(cl,1:10^9,fc_q) values <-,result) stopcluster(cl)
is possible reduce execution time using package parallel , if so, please suggest me solution. known, i´m using lot of bad things r, not figure out better solution.
any correction , suggestion improve process! please feel free share extant code in r.
your question bit open-ended. if goal run code on multiple cores / processors, 1 of simplest solutions use mclapply parallel package. since uses forking, not work out-of-the-box on windows machine.
to use it:
num_cores <- 12 res <- mclapply(1:n, function(i) ((fc_q(((delta*(i-1))-(alpha+1)*1i),para_h,data))/(alpha^2+alpha-(delta*(i-1))^2+1i*(2*alpha+1)*(delta*(i-1))))*delta*exp(1i*(delta*(i-1))*b), mc.cores = num_cores)
mclapply returns list.
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