eclipse - Where should I specify the native libraries for my Java application? -

i know jvm use java.library.path property locate native libraries @ run time. trying configure eclipse native dependency location.

but there many places in eclipse->project properties->build path can specify location.

  • the source tab -> native library location

enter image description here

  • the libraries tab -> jre system library -> native library location.

enter image description here

  • and each external jars, there's native library location entry.

as tried, seems no matter configure it, put in java.library.path before application starts.

which 1 should use?

if goes same destination, why many config entries?

so far, guess is, designer of eclipse hope way can programmers organize native libraries more logically.

that tab within eclipse put onto buildpath @ runtime , going organized based on library putting onto path not in eclipse ui designate it.

as mentioned more logical easier use ui opposed actual change located. prefer using "native library" in source tab out of preference.


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