Inserting SQLite primary key in python -
i trying sqlite insert python script.
i getting error:
table history has 4 columns 3 values supplied
the reason there 3 not 4, first 1 id. assumed declared primary key auto-increment value. how go inserting id
c.execute("insert history values (?,?,?)", (q[0],t,in))
create table history (id integer primary key, employeeid integer, time datetime, inout varchar);
you either have provide values all columns, or name columns inserting explicitly. sqlite not go , guess columns provided values for, need explicit them.
you can use null
have sqlite insert auto-generated id you:
c.execute("insert history values (null,?,?,?)", (q[0],t,in))
or can name 3 columns inserting explicitly:
c.execute("insert history (employeeid, time, inout) values (?,?,?)", (q[0],t,in))
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