osx - Tinyproxy installation issue in OS X -

i trying install tinyproxy in yosemite os x. after installation when type tinyproxy in command line, shows

tinyproxy command not found.

i followed using tinyproxy mobile development on os x.

please refer command line commands below.

tod-blr-c02l479rffrp:~ pradeepachuthan$ brew install tinyproxy ==> downloading https://www.banu.com/pub/tinyproxy/1.8/tinyproxy-1.8.3.tar.bz2 downloaded: /library/caches/homebrew/tinyproxy-1.8.3.tar.bz2 ==> downloading https://trac.macports.org/export/83413/trunk/dports/net/tinyproxy/files/patch-configure.diff downloaded: /library/caches/homebrew/tinyproxy--patch-e946269b681f3ffaa1acd120c93050cb63bfe743.diff ==> patching patching file configure hunk #1 succeeded @ 6744 (offset -1 lines). ==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/cellar/tinyproxy/1.8.3 --disable-regexcheck ==> make install 🍺  /usr/local/cellar/tinyproxy/1.8.3: 14 files, 244k, built in 6.4 minutes tod-blr-c02l479rffrp:~ pradeepachuthan$ tinyproxy -bash: tinyproxy: command not found tod-blr-c02l479rffrp:~ pradeepachuthan 

$ tinyproxy /usr/local/sbin/tinyproxy 


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