node.js - NodeJS http.get quit my app -

i have werd problem. when running code image, images make line quit program. dont error , dont know how debug problem.

http.get(obj.image.url.split("?")[0], function (getresponse){     var chunks = [];     getresponse.on('data', function (chunk){         chunks.push(chunk);     }).on('end', function(){         if(getresponse.statuscode == 200){             var buffer = buffer.concat(chunks);             obj.image = {                 url: obj.image.url,                 width: sizeof(buffer).width,                 height: sizeof(buffer).height             }             callback(obj);         }     }); }); 

i try put console.log in every step in function, nothing triggering after http.get... - works - fail

it's because have deal different protocols http:// , https://. seems there's nothing built-in node.js. may use modules request or needle instead. figure out protocol use, , how handle redirects (if required) , such.


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