android - I cannot get user details from Google Plus -
the line plus.peopleapi.getcurrentperson(mgoogleapiclient) returns null though have signed in , app connected account.
here code:
@override public void onconnected(bundle connectionhint) { msigninclicked = false; toast.maketext(this, "user connected!", toast.length_long).show(); plus.peopleapi.loadvisible(mgoogleapiclient, null).setresultcallback(this); string personname = "no one!"; if (plus.peopleapi.getcurrentperson(mgoogleapiclient) != null) { person currentperson = plus.peopleapi.getcurrentperson(mgoogleapiclient); personname = currentperson.getdisplayname(); string persongoogleplusprofile = currentperson.geturl(); toast.maketext(this, "welcome " + personname, toast.length_long).show(); } }
log cat shows: error requesting visible circles: status{statuscode=network_error, resolution = null}
you need enable google+ api in google developer console.
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