java - Throw Exception when the String shape is illegal -
im doing wrong excetpion in code because when string layout
such as:
..b. bbb. //<---illegal ... .x. ... //<---illegal ..r .rr //<---illegal ..... .y... ..y.. ...y. //<---illegal
is passed method (only 1 layout can passed @ 1 time), the method should throw exception because string layouts
shapes must have @ least 1 filled block in each of 0th row
, 0th column
, last row
, , last column
. following string layout
s legal:
...e ..e. e... a...a ..... ..... a....
my code handles exception when sees first , last charcters of first line. can smb please me out method regarding throwing exception
? in advance!
public static shape makeshape(string layout,char displaychar) { shape result; int height = 0; int width = 0; scanner data = new scanner(layout); char[][] temp; while(data.hasnextline()) { string line = data.nextline(); height = line.length(); width++; } temp = new char[height][width]; scanner data2 = new scanner(layout); while(data2.hasnextline()) { string line2 = data2.nextline(); if(line2.charat(0) == '.' && line2.charat(width) == '.') throw new fititexception("empty borders!"); else { (int r = 0; r < height; r++) (int c = 0; c < width; c++) { // system.out.println(line2.charat(c)); if (temp[r][c] == '.') { temp[r][c] = displaychar; } system.out.println(line2.charat(temp[r][c])); } } } result = new createshape(height, width, displaychar, layout); return result; }
there couple of things not clear me still, concentrated on parsing layout 2 dimensional char array , checking constraints specified. let adapt exact needs:
public static char[][] parseshape(string layout, char displaychar) throws exception { int height = 0; scanner data = new scanner(layout); arraylist<string> lines = new arraylist<string>(); // parse layout array of lines determine dimensions while (data.hasnextline()) { string line = data.nextline(); lines.add(line); height = line.length(); } int width = lines.size(); char[][] temp = new char[height][width]; boolean row0 = false; boolean col0 = false; boolean rowlast = false; boolean collast = false; // parse array of lines in char array , check constraints (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { string line = lines.get(w); (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { char c = line.charat(h); if (c == displaychar) { // looking @ display characters, // check if we're in of rows of columns matter if (h == 0) row0 = true; if (w == 0) col0 = true; if (h == height - 1) rowlast = true; if (w == width - 1) collast = true; } temp[h][w] = c; } } // if of constraints not true, layout invalid if(!row0) { throw new exception("no block in oth row"); } if(!col0) { throw new exception("no block in oth column"); } if(!rowlast) { throw new exception("no block in last row"); } if(!collast) { throw new exception("no block in last column"); } return temp; }
basically have parse entire layout , accumulate constraints satisfied rather checking non-satisfaction. @ end know if not satisfied.
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