is it possible to include Scripts and Styles in same Bundle ?( mvc5) -

attempting use css , js files same virtualpath bundle name
1 - possible ? (tried:but failed. cant define same virtual path name both script , style)
2 - it possible builtup scriptandstylebundle included mixed bundle ?

just because wantto use same name both css , js.

//in bundleconfig.cs bundles.add(new scriptbundle("~/bundles/domenu")             .include("~/plugins/domenu/files/js/domenu.js")             );          bundles.add(new stylebundle("~/bundles/domenu")             .include("~/plugins/domenu/files/css/domenu.css")             ); 

//in _partiallayoutmenu.cs @scripts.render("~/bundles/domenu") @styles.render("~/bundles/domenu") 

result is:

<!--menu layout--> <script src="/plugins/domenu/files/css/domenu.css"></script>  <link href="/plugins/domenu/files/css/domenu.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <!--/menu layout--> 

any clue ? or want such useless mind ?(thanks)

i'm using cassette, support feature.


bundles.add<scriptbundle>(bundlenames.grid,                           new[] {"~/scripts/grid.js"},                           bundle => bundle.addreference("~/" + bundlenames.base));  bundles.add<stylesheetbundle>(bundlenames.grid,                               new[] {"~/content/grid.less"}); 

bundlenames helper class have constant strings.

reference bundles in views:

@{     bundles.reference(bundlenames.grid); } 

as you'd expect, include css , js, in correct order.

i'd mention i've started using cassette before had bundle management , i'm happy it. didn't find interesting feature had i'm missing.


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