angularjs - ChartJS not rendering when div hidden -

i have angular application tabs. tabs show , hide div content using ng-show directive. each div contains inside canvas showing chartjs charts.

when swipe tab another, find charts not rendered until y relaod page or make request function in order reload charts querying server, eventhough data loaded $promise.

here, charts correctly rendered...

enter image description here

but when change tab without forcing reload (the data loaded), happens...

enter image description here

this html

<section style="overflow-y:hidden" class="bg-white scroller-v" ng-init="askfortoggle()"> <div class="tab-nav clearfix">     <ul class="side-padding-3x">         <li data-ng-class="activesubmenu('actividades')">             <a class="size-12x" data-ng-click="show('actividades')">actividades</a>         </li>         <li data-ng-class="activesubmenu('paginas')">             <a class="size-12x" data-ng-click="show('paginas')">compromiso</a>         </li>         <li data-ng-class="activesubmenu('videos')">             <a class="size-12x" data-ng-click="show('videos')">videos</a>         </li>     </ul> </div>  <div class="col col-unpadded col-lg-2 col-md-3 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 side-menu">     <header>fechas</header>     <ul class="list">         <li><input type="date" ng-model="analyticsdatedesde" ng-change="validatedatedesde(analyticsdatedesde)" /></li>         <li><input type="date" ng-model="analyticsdatehasta" ng-change="validatedatehasta(analyticsdatehasta)" /></li>         <li><input type="button" ng-click="updateanalytics()" value="actualizar fechas" style="color:white; background-color:#3c8dbc;border:#3c8dbc" /></li>     </ul>     <header>alumnos</header>     <ul class="list">         <li data-ng-repeat="user in users">             <a data-ng-class="activenav(user)" data-ng-click="$parent.selecteduser = user">{{}} {{user.lastname}}</a>         </li>     </ul> </div>  <div id="divactividades" class="col col-unpadded col-lg-10 col-md-9 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x:hidden;height: 100%;">     charts </div>  <div id="divpaginas" class="col col-unpadded col-lg-10 col-md-9 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x:hidden;height: 100%;">     charts </div>  <div id="divvideos" class="col col-unpadded col-lg-10 col-md-9 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" style="overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x:hidden;height: 100%;">     charts </div> 

and angular controller

appflipped.controller("classtraceability", ["$rootscope", "$scope", "courseware", "$timeout", "$window", function (n, t, i, to, window) {     t.gettypeclass = function (traza) {         if (traza.tipoaccion == 'video')             return 'cd-timeline-img cd-movie';         else if (traza.tipoaccion == 'problem')             return 'cd-timeline-img cd-picture';         else             return 'cd-timeline-img cd-location';     }     n.menudata = utils.coursemenu();      t.activenav = function (n) {         return {             active: t.selecteduser && ==         }     }     t.users = [];     t.selecteduser = null;     t.timeonplatform = null;     t.timeonplatformperdaycomparison = null;     t.timeonplatformperday = null;       i.init(n.routedata.classid).then(function () {         i.users.queryclass().$promise.then(function (n) {             t.users = n;             n.length && (t.selecteduser = n[0]);         })     });      t.$watch("selecteduser", function (n) {         n != null && t.loadtraceability();     });      t.updateanalytics = function () {         t.loadtraceability();     }       t.loadtraceability = function () {         if (t.selecteduser != null) {             var p = {                 userid:,                 courseurl: n.rutaparaanalytics,                 fechadesde: t.analyticsdatedesde,                 fechahasta: t.analyticsdatehasta             };             i.traceability.get(p).$promise.then(function (n) {                 t.traceability = n.traceability;                 t.showtimeline = t.traceability.length > 0 ? true : false;                  t.labelstimeonplatform = n.timeonplatform[0];                 t.datatimeonplatform = n.timeonplatform[1];                 t.loadpageactivity();                  t.labelstimeonplatformperday = n.timeonplatformperday[0];                 t.datatimeonplatformperday = n.timeonplatformperday[1];                 t.loadpageactivityperday();                  t.labelstimeonplatformperdaycomparison = (n.timeonplatformperdaycomparison[0])[0];                 t.datatimeonplatformperdaycomparisonclass = (n.timeonplatformperdaycomparison[0])[1];                 t.datatimeonplatformperdaycomparisonstudent = (n.timeonplatformperdaycomparison[1])[1];                 t.loadpageactivitycomparison();                  t.totalvideocount = n.genericvideoanalytics[0];                 t.usertotalvideocount = n.genericvideoanalytics[1];                 t.totalminutesvideoscount = n.genericvideoanalytics[2];                 t.usertotalminutesvideoscount = n.genericvideoanalytics[3];                 t.loadgenericvideoanalytics();                  t.videotimelabels = n.videotime[0];                 t.videotimedata = n.videotime[1];                 t.loadvideotime();                  t.videotimeperdaylabels = n.videotimeperday[0];                 t.videotimeperdaydata = n.videotimeperday[1];                 t.loadvideotimeperday();                  t.videotimeperdaycomparisonlabels = (n.videotimeperdaycomparison[0])[0];                 t.videotimeperdaycomparisonclass = (n.videotimeperdaycomparison[0])[1];                 t.videotimeperdaycomparisonuser = (n.videotimeperdaycomparison[1])[1];                 t.loadvideotimeperdaycomparison();             });         }     };      t.paginavisible = 'actividades';     t.activesubmenu = function (pagina) {         if (t.paginavisible == pagina)             return 'active';         else             return '';     } = function (pagina) {         if (pagina == 'actividades') {             angular.element("#divactividades")[0].style.display = 'block';             angular.element("#divpaginas")[0].style.display = 'none';             angular.element("#divvideos")[0].style.display = 'none';             t.paginavisible = 'actividades';         }         if (pagina == 'paginas') {             angular.element("#divactividades")[0].style.display = 'none';             angular.element("#divpaginas")[0].style.display = 'block';             angular.element("#divvideos")[0].style.display = 'none';             t.paginavisible = 'paginas';         }         if (pagina == 'videos') {             angular.element("#divactividades")[0].style.display = 'none';             angular.element("#divpaginas")[0].style.display = 'none';             angular.element("#divvideos")[0].style.display = 'block';             t.paginavisible = 'videos';         }     } }]); 

the wired thing 1 of charts rendered!! have face same problem?


a similar issue had been reported here :

if chart contained in div hidden , appear on screen won't render correctly (encountering same issue right now!). case charts in tabs hidden tabs ng-show directives. workaround redraw chart on changing tab.

this should achievable via mychart.update() method. , triggered in show method instance.

i try different solutions part , update answer accordingly. hope little!


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