c# - Issue with drawing routes on Windows Phone 8.0 maps - 0x8004231C -

i want create app shows route location desired point. problem works (for locations route drawn) in cases error:

"system.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x8004231c): excepion hresult: 0x8004231c. 

in addition followed tutorial found here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj244363%28v=vs.105%29.aspx

here's code:

private async void getcoordinates()     {         // phone's current location.         geolocator mygeolocator = new geolocator();         mygeolocator.desiredaccuracyinmeters = 5;         geoposition mygeoposition = null;         try         {             mygeoposition = await mygeolocator.getgeopositionasync(timespan.fromminutes(1), timespan.fromseconds(10));             mycoordinates.add(new geocoordinate(mygeoposition.coordinate.latitude, mygeoposition.coordinate.longitude));             mapka.center = new geocoordinate(mygeoposition.coordinate.latitude, mygeoposition.coordinate.longitude);          }         catch (unauthorizedaccessexception)         {             messagebox.show("location disabled in phone settings or capabilities not checked.");         }         catch (exception ex)         {             // else happened while acquiring location.             messagebox.show(ex.message);         }         mygeocodequery = new geocodequery();         mygeocodequery.querycompleted += mygeocodequery_querycompleted;         mygeocodequery.searchterm = txt1.text;         mygeocodequery.geocoordinate = new geocoordinate(mygeoposition.coordinate.latitude, mygeoposition.coordinate.longitude);          mygeocodequery.queryasync();               }     void mygeocodequery_querycompleted(object sender, querycompletedeventargs<ilist<maplocation>> e)     {         if (e.error == null)         {             myquery = new routequery();             mycoordinates.add(e.result[0].geocoordinate);             myquery.waypoints = mycoordinates;             myquery.querycompleted += myquery_querycompleted;             myquery.routeoptimization = routeoptimization.minimizedistance;             myquery.queryasync();              mygeocodequery.dispose();         }         else         {             messagebox.show(e.error.tostring());          }     }      void myquery_querycompleted(object sender, querycompletedeventargs<route> e)     {         if (e.error == null)         {              route myroute = e.result;             maproute mymaproute = new maproute(myroute);             mapka.addroute(mymaproute);             mapka.setview(mymaproute.route.boundingbox);             messagebox.show(mymaproute.route.lengthinmeters.tostring());             myquery.dispose();         }          else         {             messagebox.show(e.error.tostring());          }  } 

maybe had similar problem , can help?

it works fine me:

    geocoordinate myposition = null;     maproute mymaproute = null;     routequery route = null;      private void getrouteto(geocoordinate myposition, geocoordinate destination)     {         if (mymaproute != null)         {             map.removeroute(mymaproute);             mymaproute = null;             route = null;         }         route = new routequery()         {             travelmode = travelmode.driving,             waypoints = new list<geocoordinate>()             {                 myposition,                  destination             },             routeoptimization = routeoptimization.minimizetime         };         route.querycompleted += routequery_querycompleted;         route.queryasync();     }     void routequery_querycompleted(object sender, querycompletedeventargs<route> e)     {         if (e.error == null)         {             route myroute = e.result;              mymaproute = new maproute(myroute);             map.addroute(mymaproute);             route.dispose();         }     } 


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