Serialization and De-serialization of Throwable across JDK 1.6 and JDK 1.7 using ProtoStuff -
we have 2 system 1 running jdk 1.6 , jdk 1.7. communicate between 2 node using protostuff serialization convert binary & transfer other node again binary de-serialized.
jdk 1.7 added new field 'suppressedexceptions', if serialize throwable in jdk 1.7 in 1 node , transfer node not able de-serialize & vice versa.
as 2 nodes uses different technology not possible migrate jdk 1.6 jdk 1.7 & jdk 1.7 jdk 1.6.
is there solution solve problem, in advance reply.
with regards, pavan
protostuff-runtime not support backward compatibility between 2 class versions if new field added 1 of base classes. caused tag
shift - when add new field base classe, tag
numbers in childred classes shifted. so, in general, there no solution problem.
but if switch encoding json, problem should disappear. protostuff-json
, fields stored using names (instead of tags), adding new field in middle of class hierarchy should not problem anymore.
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