scala - Is there a way to use pattern matching in build.sbt? -

i'm trying play scala's playframework , running issue build.sbt file. specifically:

pattern matching in val statements not supported 

which obvious:

val env = sys.props.getorelse("env", default = "local")  val (someval, otherval) = env match {     case "local" => ("x","a")     case _ => //etc } 

is there way use match statement in build.sbt file @ all? error says it's not supported in val statements. supported?


i've tried adding method build.scala object well, when use plain if statements still same "pattern matching in val statements not supported"


import sbt._ import keys._  object examplebuild extends build {      def getenvdata(env: string) = {         if(env == "local") {             ("c","q")          } else if (env == "other") {             ("b","v")         } else {             ("x","a")         }     }     } 

and updated build.sbt:

val env = sys.props.getorelse("env", default = "local")  val (somevar, othervar) = examplebuild.getenvdata(env) 

but no avail.

the error not caused match statement, this:

val (somevar, othervar) = ... 

which form of pattern matching (on tuples) not supported sbt.

here's relevant comment sbtparser implementation

// check no val (a,b) = foo or val a,b = foo these problematic range positions , whole architecture.

you can work around limitation using case class instead of tuple.

in build.scala

case class envdata(somevar: string, othervar: string)  

in build.sbt

val envdata = env match {     case "local" => envdata("x", "a")     case _ => //etc } 

and use envdata.somevar, envdata.othervar , on.


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