c# - Sort a dictionary of Currencies into groups with LINQ -
i have dictionary of currencies:
dictionary<string, string> _currencies = cultureinfo.getcultures(culturetypes.specificcultures) .select(c => new regioninfo(c.lcid)) .where(ri => ri != null) .groupby(ri => ri.isocurrencysymbol) .todictionary(x => x.key, x => x.first().currencyenglishname);
i want sort these group of popular currencies , rest.
so far doing this, don't it:
list<string> popularcurrencies = new list<string> { "gbp", "eur", "usd", "aud", "cny", "inr", "sgd" }; list<currency> popular = _currencies .where(kvp => popularcurrencies.contains(kvp.key)) .select(kvp => new currency { id = kvp.key, name = kvp.key + " - " + kvp.value, category = "popular" }) .tolist(); list<currency> other = _currencies .where(kvp => !popularcurrencies.contains(kvp.key)) .select(kvp => new currency { id = kvp.key, name = kvp.key + " - " + kvp.value, category = "all" }) .tolist(); list<currency> = popular.concat(other).tolist(); public class currency { public string id { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public string category { get; set; } }
i thinking 2 linq queries , concat 1 line.
i added ordering popular currencies. wondering if there easy way sort rest of them.
dictionary<string, int> popularcurrencies = new dictionary<string, int>() { {"gbp", 1},{"eur", 2},{"usd", 3},{"aud", 4},{"cny", 5},{"inr", 6},{"sgd", 7} }; var = _currencies.select(kvp => new currency { id = kvp.key, name = kvp.key + " - " + kvp.value, category = popularcurrencies.any(c => c.key == kvp.key) ? "popular" : "all" }).orderbydescending(c => c.category).orderby(c => popularcurrencies.containskey(c.id) ? popularcurrencies[c.id] : int.maxvalue).tolist();
you can try this:
var = _currencies.select(kvp => new currency { id = kvp.key, name = kvp.key + " - " + kvp.value, category = popularcurrencies.any(c => c == kvp.key) ? "popular" : "all" }).tolist()
added: if want popular currencies first can add orderbydescending
var = _currencies.select(kvp => new currency { id = kvp.key, name = kvp.key + " - " + kvp.value, category = popularcurrencies.any(c => c == kvp.key) ? "popular" : "all" }).orderbydescending(c => c.category).tolist()
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