process - Redirecting command line output, including text prompts for user input C# -

many days i'm googling question, did not found answers. have batch file this.

@echo off echo sample output. set /p uname=please enter name:  if "%uname%"=="" goto error echo hello %uname%, welcome dos inputs! goto end :error echo did not enter name! bye bye!! :end pause 

how can see command, print "this sample output." line , ask user name. on c# "this sample output." line received output data, text "please enter name: " receive after inputting thing in console. so, how can receive prompt output before inputting something, can redirect full console? (if can so). below test application.

using system; using system.diagnostics;  namespace commandexecuter {     static class program     {         static void main()         {             try             {                 var start = new processstartinfo                 {                     filename = @"c:\run.cmd",                     useshellexecute = false,                     redirectstandardoutput = true,                     redirectstandarderror = true                 };                  using (var process = new process())                 {                     process.startinfo = start;                     process.outputdatareceived += process_outputdatareceived;                     process.errordatareceived += process_errordatareceived;                      process.start();                      process.beginoutputreadline();                     process.beginerrorreadline();                      process.waitforexit();                      process.canceloutputread();                     process.cancelerrorread();                 }              }             catch (exception ex)             {                 console.writeline("failed execute command: " + ex.message);             }                         {                 console.readline();             }         }          private static void process_outputdatareceived(object sender, datareceivedeventargs e)         {             if (!string.isnullorempty(             {                 console.write("outputdatareceived: " + + environment.newline);             }         }          private static void process_errordatareceived(object sender, datareceivedeventargs e)         {             if (!string.isnullorempty(             {                 console.write("errordatareceived: " + + environment.newline);                }         }     } } 

change if while. think getting multiple return lines

      private static void process_outputdatareceived(object sender, datareceivedeventargs e)          {              while (!string.isnullorempty(              {                  console.write("outputdatareceived: " + + environment.newline);              }          }    ​


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