sql - MySQL auto_increment not incrementing -
i'm using mysql 5.x , don't know why auto_increment isn't working. set addressid primary key in addressinformation , addressid in personalinformation foreign key addressinformation's addressid. cause? when update via workbench, it's working when update via jdbc, isn't working. throws , parameter index out of range error. here's code 2 tables
create table personalinformation ( username varchar(50) not null, lastname varchar(50), firstname varchar(50), middlename varchar(50), gender char(1), birthdate varchar(50), addressid int not null, email varchar(50), phonenumber varchar(50), primary key ( username ) ); create table addressinformation ( addressid int not null auto_increment, country varchar(50), zipcode varchar(50), state varchar(50), city varchar(50), street varchar(50), housenumber varchar(50), primary key ( addressid ) ); alter table personalinformation add constraint personalinformation_fk1 foreign key ( addressid ) references addressinformation( addressid );
and code in servlet:
private void todatabase(personalbean p) { try { class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver"); connection con = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/foundationsystem","root","!qaz2wsx"); preparedstatement stmt1; stmt1 = con.preparestatement("insert addressinformation (country, zipcode, state, city, street, homenumber) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)"); stmt1.setstring(2, "testcountry"); stmt1.setstring(3, p.getfirstname()); stmt1.setstring(4, "teststate"); stmt1.setstring(5, "testcity"); stmt1.setstring(6, "teststreet"); stmt1.setstring(7, "testhouse"); stmt1.executeupdate(); } catch (exception e) { system.out.println(e); } }
if opinion right. this
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