javascript - Autocomplete in google maps places throws error TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'a[zG]("placeholder")') -

i struggling more should.

i creating simple search map feature, autocomplete throws me not-so-descriptive error: typeerror: undefined not function (evaluating 'azg')

i initialising map in bootstrap modal on modal.s.shown event.

here javascript:

$('#map-modal').on('', function (e) {     //picking data attributes image initialised modal     var image = $(e.relatedtarget);     map_lat = $(image).data('lat');     map_lng = $(image).data('lng');      //passing data initialise map function     initialisemodalmap(map_lat,map_lng);      //add autocomplete     var input = $('#start-point');     var options = {         types: ['geocode']     };     var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.autocomplete(input, options);     autocomplete.bindto('bounds', map);     google.maps.event.addlistener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {        console.log('changed');     }); }); 

but event fired, following error in console:

typeerror: undefined not function (evaluating 'a[zg]("placeholder")') 

and autocomplete never executed, , before autocomplete chunk of code, fine.

what missing?

if need more info please ask.

thanks in advance!

when switched vanilla javascript input element, error not thrown

so instead

var input = $('#start-point'); 

i put

var input = document.getelementbyid('start-point'); 

but dropdown of autocomplete not rendered, guess whole different question


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