android - Why is my animation showing just on first execution? -

my app starts opening (welcome) activity shows brief frame animation. i'm using this class so. first time run app works fine. if finish it, next times animation doesn't show @ all. way can see again forcing termination first (from android app manager).

this how i'm starting animation:

protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     getwindow().setflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_fullscreen, windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_fullscreen);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_opening);      imageview img = (imageview)findviewbyid(;     frameanimation = fasteranimationscontainer.getinstance(img);     prepareframes();     frameanimation.setonanimationstoppedlistener(this);     frameanimation.start(); } 

once animation finishes, start activity.
close app, i'm using key until there no more activities on stack. may important mention opening activity has nohistory="true", it's not reachable once second activity starts.

i tracked problem , found strange behaviour on function:

private class framessequenceanimation implements runnable{     @override     public void run() {         imageview imageview = msoftreferenceimageview.get();         if (!mshouldrun || imageview == null) {             misrunning = false;             if (monanimationstoppedlistener != null) {                 monanimationstoppedlistener.onanimationstopped();             }             return;         }         misrunning = true;          /* isshown() returning false here! */         if (imageview.isshown()) {             animationframe frame = getnext();             getimagedrawabletask task = new getimagedrawabletask(imageview);             try {                 task.execute(frame.getresourceid());             }catch(rejectedexecutionexception ree){                 log.e("animation", "rejected execution");             }             mhandler.postdelayed(this, frame.getduration());         }     } } 

so imageview not showing animation because commented line returning false. why happening? , why program work first time? what's changing between first , second execution?

if need more information or wasn't clear, let me know.


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