How do i zoom in automatically to the current location in Google map api for android? -

i have integrated google maps api in android studio , , finds current location , want increase zoom level , can view current location more , precised. how increase zoom level?

you can find code below :

package com.example.umar.testgoogle;  import android.location.location;  import android.content.intentsender; import android.location.location; import android.os.bundle; import; import android.util.log;  import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;  public class mapsactivity extends fragmentactivity implements     googleapiclient.connectioncallbacks,     googleapiclient.onconnectionfailedlistener,     locationlistener {      public static final string tag = mapsactivity.class.getsimplename();      /*      * define request code send google play services      * code returned in activity.onactivityresult      */     private final static int connection_failure_resolution_request = 9000;      private googlemap mmap; // might null if google play services apk not available.      private googleapiclient mgoogleapiclient;     private locationrequest mlocationrequest;      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_maps);         setupmapifneeded();           mgoogleapiclient = new googleapiclient.builder(this)             .addconnectioncallbacks(this)             .addonconnectionfailedlistener(this)             .addapi(locationservices.api)             .build();      // create locationrequest object         mlocationrequest = locationrequest.create()             .setpriority(locationrequest.priority_high_accuracy)             .setinterval(10 * 1000)        // 10 seconds, in milliseconds             .setfastestinterval(1 * 1000); // 1 second, in milliseconds     }      @override     protected void onresume() {         super.onresume();         setupmapifneeded();         mgoogleapiclient.connect();     }      @override     protected void onpause() {         super.onpause();          if (mgoogleapiclient.isconnected()) {                     locationservices.fusedlocationapi.removelocationupdates(mgoogleapiclient, this);             mgoogleapiclient.disconnect();         }     }  /**  * sets map if possible (i.e., google play services apk correctly  * installed) , map has not been instantiated.. ensure ever  * call {@link #setupmap()} once when {@link #mmap} not null.  * <p/>  * if isn't installed {@link supportmapfragment} (and  * {@link mapview}) show prompt user  * install/update google play services apk on device.  * <p/>  * user can return fragmentactivity after following prompt , correctly  * installing/updating/enabling google play services. since fragmentactivity may not  * have been destroyed during process (it  * stopped or paused), {@link #oncreate(bundle)} may not called again should call  * method in {@link #onresume()} guarantee called.  */ private void setupmapifneeded() {     // null check confirm have not instantiated map.     if (mmap == null) {         // try obtain map supportmapfragment.         mmap = ((supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbyid(                 .getmap();         // check if successful in obtaining map.         if (mmap != null) {             setupmap();         }     } }  /**  * can add markers or lines, add listeners or move camera. in case,  * add marker near africa.  * <p/>  * should called once , when sure {@link #mmap} not null.  */ private void setupmap() {     mmap.addmarker(new markeroptions().position(new latlng(0, 0)).title("marker")); }  private void handlenewlocation(location location) {     log.d(tag, location.tostring());      double currentlatitude = location.getlatitude();     double currentlongitude = location.getlongitude();      latlng latlng = new latlng(currentlatitude, currentlongitude);      //mmap.addmarker(new markeroptions().position(new latlng(currentlatitude, currentlongitude)).title("current location"));     markeroptions options = new markeroptions()             .position(latlng)             .title("i here!");     mmap.addmarker(options);     mmap.movecamera(cameraupdatefactory.newlatlng(latlng)); }  @override public void onconnected(bundle bundle) {     location location = locationservices.fusedlocationapi.getlastlocation(mgoogleapiclient);      if (location == null) {         locationservices.fusedlocationapi.requestlocationupdates(mgoogleapiclient, mlocationrequest, this);     }     else {         handlenewlocation(location);     } }  @override public void onconnectionsuspended(int i) {  }  @override public void onconnectionfailed(connectionresult connectionresult) {     /*      * google play services can resolve errors detects.      * if error has resolution, try sending intent      * start google play services activity can resolve      * error.      */     if (connectionresult.hasresolution()) {         try {             // start activity tries resolve error             connectionresult.startresolutionforresult(this, connection_failure_resolution_request);             /*              * thrown if google play services canceled original              * pendingintent              */         } catch (intentsender.sendintentexception e) {             // log error             e.printstacktrace();         }     } else {         /*          * if no resolution available, display dialog          * user error.          */         log.i(tag, "location services connection failed code " + connectionresult.geterrorcode());     } }  @override public void onlocationchanged(location location) {     handlenewlocation(location); } 


change from:



float zoomlevel = 16.0; //this goes 21 mmap.movecamera(cameraupdatefactory.newlatlngzoom(latlng, zoomlevel)); 

public static cameraupdate newlatlngzoom (latlng latlng, float zoom)

returns cameraupdate moves center of screen latitude , longitude specified latlng object, , moves given zoom level.

parameters latlng latlng object containing desired latitude , longitude. zoom desired zoom level, in range of 2.0 21.0. values below range set 2.0, , values above set 21.0. increase value zoom in. not areas have tiles @ largest zoom levels. returns cameraupdate containing transformation.


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