pygame - Python: None type object is not callable -

i'm doing game in pygame , i'm trying do, make entity target another. when call target function, "typeerror: nonetype object not callable" understood after doing research on error, occurs, when try use return value of function hasn't any. but, function isn't supposed return , don't use return value, i'm bit out of ideas. hope can me, here code: target function

def target(self,x,y):     target =,y)       if target != none , target.get_itarget():         self.set_target(target) 

call target function,y) 

if have questions, feel free ask.

edit: code of getpointentity function:

    def getpointentity(self, x, y, searchrange=24):         entity in self.entities.itervalues():             if entity != none:                 distance = entity.get_distance(x, y)                 if distance < searchrange:                     return entity         return none    

as get_itarget function, returns true or false depending on respective entity being legal target or not. traceback points line full traceback:", line 971, in <module> game(1920,1080)", line 795, in __init__", line 910, in run,y) typeerror: 'nonetype' object not callable 

edit: method target belongs super class of player class.

class player(livingentity):     def __init__(self, name, world, image, x, y, speedmodifier, sizeradius, inv_image, filler, shadow, scx, scy, animseq, animn):         livingentity.__init__(self, name, world, image, x, y, speedmodifier, sizeradius, animseq, animn)         self.inventory = none         self.scx = scx         self.scy = scy         self.addinventory(inv_image, filler, shadow)  class livingentity(gameentity):     def __init__(self, name, world, images, x, y, speedmodifier, sizeradius, animseq, animn, xshift=48, yshift=48):         gameentity.__init__(self, name, world, images, x, y, speedmodifier, sizeradius, animseq, animn, xshift, yshift) = none      def set_target(self, target): = target      def target(self,x,y):         target =,y)           if target != none , target.get_itarget():             self.set_target(target) 

i kind of solved problem putting check target entity outside of target function. can't see differnce seems work.

inside livingentity class have method called target, , syntax used code within livingentity class refer method inside livingentity.set_target method overwrite = target assignment.

after assignment, next time call target method python tries make call using whatever set_target has set to, instead of calling method expect use.

so got error message because told set_target set none.


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