c++ - Get An Row From Dynamically Allocated 2D Array Pointer -
i'm pretty novice c++ , have been trouble working way through pointers.
//define colormaps (for brevity null) //256 rgb combinations in each colormap uint8_t colormap0[256][3]; uint8_t colormap1[256][3]; //insert color maps in storage array via pointer uint8_t *colormaps[] = {*colormap0, *colormap1}; //well define current map index read colormaps uint8_t colormapindex = 0; //we define pointer active array we'll update in loop() uint8_t *currentcolormap;
occasionally we'll reassign current color map
currentcolormap = colormaps[colormapindex];
and other times values it
uint32_t c = getcolorfrommap(125);
we'll need these functions well
// create 24 bit color value b,g,r uint32_t color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { uint32_t c; c = r; c <<= 8; c |= g; c <<= 8; c |= b; return c; } uint32_t getcolorfrommap(byte indexvalue) { uint8_t rgb = currentcolormap[indexvalue]; return color(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); }
the trouble lies in how values current color map
the current code giving me 3'invalid types 'uint8_t {aka unsigned char}[int]' array subscript'
errors in return color(rgb[0],...
i've tried pointers currentcolormap get:
invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'uint8_t {aka unsigned char}')
i have use soultion low memory foot print going on arduino. making 256x3 byte array killing dynamic memory.... compiled. if not 1 thing other!
in c/c++, multi-dimensional array isn't set of 2 arrays in other languages. rather, int arr[a][b]
same int arr[a*b]
except math behind scenes. if think it, makes since mathematically. allows write int arr[x][y]
following operation:
int arr[x*b+y]
think way: have each x
row after 1 another, each populated y
s. if go length of x
row can access specific entry. in example, rgb
equal indexvalue
th color byte, not full color.
however, there problem. have pointer currentcolormap
array want use. when copying multi-dimensional array pointer, compiler "forgets" used be. you, have simple work it.
uint8_t *rgb = currentcolormap + indexvalue * 3;
what doing here? we're taking pointer of currentcolormap
, adding three times index. why 3 times? because second dimension three, or, because there 3 bytes per color. color pointer real color. can treat did before:
return color(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
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