Python excel Row different rows -
i compare rows 1-3 , rows 9-16 excel spreadsheet. code have right now, know how 1-3, not both 1-3 and 9-16:
with open('weather.csv', 'r') file1: val = list(csv.reader(file1))[i] val1 = val[0:3]
i tried this:
with open('weather.csv', 'r') file1: val = list(csv.reader(file1))[i] val1 = val[0:3][9:16]
but doesn't work; nothing happens.
well without knowing data file contains, i'm going assume each row contains 2 comma separated values (weather, temperature).
so first:
val1 = val[0:3][9:16]
not because you're saying slice val list between index 0 , 3 , slice slice starting index of 9 16, won't exist (because sliced 0:3), therefore you'll empty string in return.
if you'd compare multiple rows batching rows together, you'd want along lines of:
compare1 = val[0:3] compare2 = val[9:16]
and perform whatever 'comparison' level operations you'd there. i'm not sure why you'd though instead of slicing original val value want each desired comparison.
for example, if know: row 1 contains 'new york, 60' , row 12 contains 'san francisco, 75'
and you'd compare temperatures of these cities can run:
val[0][1] < val[11][1]
return 'true'
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