ruby on rails - RSpec Testing to return Favorited Posts -

i new ruby on rails , enrolled in course @ has tasked me creating rspec tests return whether or not post has been favorited specific user.

here current rspec file:

require 'rails_helper'  describe user   include testfactories   describe "#favorited(post)"     before      @post = associated_post      @user = authenticated_user    end     "returns `nil` if user has not favorited post"      expect( @user.favorited(@post) ).to be_nil    end     "returns appropriate favorite if exists"      favorite =      expect( @user.favorite ).to eq( favorited(@post) )    end     "returns `nil` if user has favorited post"     end   end  end  

i have been successful in passing first test(it "returns 'nil' if user has not favorited post"), stumped on how second , third tests pass.

i think have started second test (it "returns 'nil' if user has not favorited post") correct , believe need supply hash assign post , user, unsure need passed in.

here included testfactories file incase helps:

module testfactories   def associated_post(options={})    post_options = {      title: 'post title',      body: 'post bodies must pretty long.',      topic: topic.create(name: 'topic name'),      user: authenticated_user      }.merge(options)      post.create(post_options)  end   def authenticated_user(options={})    user_options = {email: 'email#{rand}', password: 'password'}.merge(options)    user =    user.skip_confirmation!    user  end  end 

as #favorited(post) method:

def favorited(post)   favorites.where(post_id: end 


here favorite model:

class favorite < activerecord::base   belongs_to :post   belongs_to :user end 

2nd edit:

i able change bit of code second test:

it "returns appropriate favorite if exists"   favorite = favorite.create(user: @user, post: @post)   expect( @user.favorited(@post) ).to eq( favorite ) end 

i receiving following failure/error:

failures:  1) user#favorited(post) returns appropriate favorite if exists    failure/error: expect( @user.favorited(@post) ).to eq( favorite )     expected: #<favorite id: 1, post_id: 1, user_id: nil, created_at: "2015-04-26 04:16:37", updated_at: "2015-04-26 04:16:37">         got: nil     (compared using ==)  # ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:20:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'  finished in 0.53769 seconds (files took 3.21 seconds load) 3 examples, 1 failure, 1 pending  failed examples:  rspec ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:18 # user#favorited(post) returns appropriate favorite if exists 

it looks me test having issue finding id specified user. how go locating , assigning specified user's id?

any ideas lead me in right direction?


let's have @ second test case:

it "returns appropriate favorite if exists"   favorite =   expect( @user.favorite ).to eq( favorited(@post) ) end 

firstly, need create favorite, rather new it. using create save database, allow user#favorite find it.

secondly, need associate favorite user , post.

favorite = favorite.create(user: @user, post: @post) 

(this assumes favorite model has belongs_to associations user , post.)

next, let's @ expectation. might need reload @user model make sure picked it's new favorite.

expect(@user.reload.favorite).to eq(favorited(@post)) 


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