c# - Rename computer name with .NET -

i trying rename computer name c# application.

public class computersystem : icomputersystem {     private readonly managementobject computersystemobject;      public computersystem()     {         var computerpath = string.format("win32_computersystem.name='{0}'", environment.machinename);         computersystemobject = new managementobject(new managementpath(computerpath));     }      public bool rename(string newcomputername)     {         var result = false;          var renameparameters = computersystemobject.getmethodparameters("rename");         renameparameters["name"] = newcomputername;          var output = computersystemobject.invokemethod("rename", renameparameters, null);          if (output != null)         {             var returnvalue = (uint)convert.changetype(output.properties["returnvalue"].value, typeof(uint));             result = returnvalue == 0;         }          return result;     } } 

the wmi call returns error code 1355.

msdn doesn't mention error codes, mean , how can fix it?

error code 1355 means error_no_such_domain: "the specified domain either not exist or not contacted.".

the documentation rename method states name must contain domain name. non-domain-joined machine, try .\newname instead of newname.


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