persistent - Kubernetes Storage on bare-metal/private cloud -

i'm starting kubernetes on 2 node (master-minion) setup on 2 private cloud servers. i've installed it, did basic config , got running simple pods/services master minion.

my question is:

how can use persistent storage pods when not using google cloud?

for first tests got ghost blog pod running, if tear pod changes lost. tried adding volume pod, can't find documentation how done when not on gc.

my try:

apiversion: v1beta1 id: ghost kind: pod desiredstate:   manifest:     version: v1beta1     id: ghost     containers:       - name: ghost         image: ghost         volumemounts:           - name: ghost-persistent-storage             mountpath: /var/lib/ghost         ports:           - hostport: 8080             containerport: 2368     volumes:       - name: ghost-persistent-storage         source:           emptydir: {} 

found this: persistent installation of mysql , wordpress on kubernetes

can't figure out how add storage (nfs?) testing install.

nfs example:

glusterfs example:

hope helps!


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