java - Why does an Iterator not go up when called twice? -
the following program iterates on string. iterator cuts between whitespaces , returns each word. use each loop use iterable string , within loop iterate again on same string using same iterator in outer loop. output is: hello hello hello 0 hello 2 etc...
but should be: hello 0 hello 2 ... because outer loop increased counter of iterator. think i'm missing in picture iterators work... appreciated!
the code:
import java.util.iterator; public class toplevelclass{ public toplevelclass(final string... strings) { for(string nextsentence : strings){ iterablesentence itsentence = new iterablesentence(nextsentence); for(string nextword : itsentence){ for(string nextword2 : itsentence){ system.out.println(nextword + " " + nextword2); } } } } public static void main(string... args){ final toplevelclass scenedata = new toplevelclass("hello 0 2"); } private class iterablesentence implements iterable<string>{ private final string sentence; private iterablesentence(string sentence){ this.sentence = cleanup(sentence); } private iterablesentence(iterablesentence itsentence){ this.sentence = itsentence.sentence; } @override public iterator<string> iterator(){ return new sentenceiterator(); } private class sentenceiterator implements iterator<string>{ private final string[] words = sentence.split(" "); private int counter = 0; @override public boolean hasnext(){ return counter < words.length; } @override public string next(){ //system.out.println("called"); return words[counter++].replaceall("\\s+",""); } } } }
the for
loop calls iterator()
on iterablesentence
end 2 independent iterators.
if understand want iterators not way t go , easiest thing use nested loops.
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