ios - Lag using runAction with a SKLabelNode on swift -
i having lag issue function used lot of times in app...
plusone(scorelabel.position,plus: 1)
func plusone(position: cgpoint, plus : int) { mylabel.setscale(1) mylabel.text = "+"+string(plus) mylabel.position = position mylabel.hidden = false let action1 = skaction.scaleto(2, duration: 0.5) let action2 = skaction.fadeoutwithduration(0.5) let actiongroup =[action1,action2]) mylabel.runaction(actiongroup,completion: { self.mylabel.hidden = true }) }
the first time use plusone function, make app freezed little time...
i not know if have been doing things well... mylabel has been declared global same... lag on first execution.
you need set font of label fix font @ start.
like that:
let yourfont = uifont(name: "yourfontname", size: 17) var mylabel = sklabelnode(fontnamed: yourfont?.fontname)
otherwise, font gets loaded @ first usage , not on app-start.
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