gruntjs - "Module loading did not complete" without circular deps in requirejs -
[edit] narrowed issue lib three.js. application work, doesn't work r.js optimizer, when remove references three.js in require process r.js compiling ( app not working anymore )
i comment shims reference lib dep. libs still required not problem. it's render/three
problematic. can't see why now
"render/orbitcontrols": ["render/three"], "render/trackballcontrols": ["render/three"], "render/detector": ["render/three"], "render/stats.min": ["render/three"], "render/threex.rendererstats": ["render/three"], "render/colladaloader": ["render/three"], "render/projector": ["render/three"],
[ original ] doubled checked circular deps manually , madge in requirejs project.
however precautions r.js keeps saying me can't complete module loading. i'm bit stuck here
here screen of what's happening in console.
and here r.js config in grunt
requirejs: { compile: { options: { name: "engine", baseurl: "./src/guildengine/", mainconfigfile: "./src/guildengine/engine.js", out: "./build/www/data/curry.min.js", optimize: "uglify2", preservelicensecomments: false, generatesourcemaps: true, findnesteddependencies: true, uglify2: { sourceroot: "../../src/guildengine", mangle: { toplevel: true, screw_ie8: true }, wrap: "", compress: { sequences: true, dead_code: true, conditionals: true, booleans: true, unused: true, if_return: true, join_vars: true, //drop_console: true } } } } }
resolved issue removing dependencies three.js in shim configuration. works add require call wrapping require call of other libraries. way found both r.js , app work.
this : require(["render/three"], function(){ require(["render/colladaloader"], function(){ ... }); });
instead of : "render/colladaloader": ["render/three"]
, : require(["render/colladaloader"], function(){ ... });
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