MatLab Sortrows if statement is true -

i want sort table simple condition. if 3 of 5 vectors in group >0 put row on top of table.

i tried sortrow cant implement condition.

the concrete case want solve table consists of 11 columns. first column shows names assocciated values in rows respectively. rest of columns splitted 2 groups example a1:a5 , b1:b5. if in group 3 of 5 cells >0 put row on top of table. first row should logically row every value >0.

i tried many things including combination of sortrows , if statements didnt work.

maybe have idea. thank much.

if understand correctly, want make sure rows on top values in columns 2-6 positive.

here's solution using sort:

tbl = ... %# table numpositive = sum(tbl(:,2:6)>0,2);  [~,sortidx] = sort(numpositive,'descend');  sortedtable = tbl(sortidx,:); 


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